The Planning & Community Development Department champions economic vitality and safe livable neighborhoods, which reflect, preserve, and enhance Pasadena’s unique cultural and historic character; the department also promotes informed decision-making which facilitates sustainable development, affordable housing and reinvestment in the community.
Pasadena ADU Permits and Regulations Resources

Learn about ADU regulations in the city of Pasadena

Learn about ADU regulations in Pasadena

the average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Pasadena, CA is $3,050. This is a 2% increase compared to the previous year.

Building permit information for Los Angeles

City Planner
(626) 744-6777

When it comes to financing your ADU, our friends at Loan Depot may be able to help, reach out to one of our home specialists for an introduction!

Max ADU Size
Lot under 9,000 sqft: 600 sqft Lot between 9,000 and 1000 sqft: 650 sqft Lot over 10,000 sqft: 800 sqft

Front Setback
45’ Note: Front setbacks vary by zoning, please talk to a home specialist to confirm

Primary Residence Setback

Side and Rear Setback